
Our History

SSLC is a nonprofit organization run by a Board of Directors.   The board began to form in March of 2018, Restate Certificate of Formation was filed in October 2018, and bylaws were adopted in November 2018. The goal was to open and operate a newborn through pre-kindergarten program that exceeds state and national standards.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to foster academically prepared and socially responsible children who will be lifelong learners by providing high-quality, childcare and enrichment that will benefit the child, parent, staff, and community.

Values and Philosophy

We believe that children experience the greatest growth when they feel safe and connected. Therefore, we strive to create a compassionate school family culture that provides a safe learning environment for the children of SSLC. We acknowledge the importance of teaching children a skill set to ensure self-regulation and problem-solving. We work together, teacher, child, and parent, to establish routines and rituals that provide predictability and consistency within our classrooms. 

We hope you and your child enjoy Stepping Stones Learning Center. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at (806) 395-3018.